ECHA’s multilingual chemical terminology tool, called “ECHA-term”, is now accessible to anyone, without a need to register. The ECHA-term terminology database was conceived as a dynamic database to be updated constantly by experts in the field and linguists. The registration requirement was removed as a result of a user survey.
ECHA-term contains more than 1,000 terms and their definitions in 22 EU official languages: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish.
The terms can be filtered according to the domain and can be downloaded in Microsoft Excel or TermBase eXchange format. Users can also choose language combinations by selecting one, two or more EU languages.
The multilingual terminology contained in ECHA-term has been extracted from the following:
- REACH glossary. The multilingual glossary available on ECHA’s website and that covers terminology from the REACH Regulation.
- REACH terminology. Regulatory and technical terminology extracted from the REACH Regulation.
- CLP terminology. Regulatory and technical terminology extracted from the CLP Regulation.
- CLP hazard statements. Hazard statements with their code extracted from the CLP Regulation.
- CLP precautionary statements. Precautionary statements with their code extracted from the CLP Regulation.
- R.12 descriptors. Descriptors extracted from the document “Guidance on information requirements and chemical safety assessment”, Chapter R.12: Use descriptor system. Descriptors include:
- Sectors of use
- Chemical product categories
- Process categories
- Environmental release categories
- Article categories
- Substances of Very High Concern. Substances available in 22 languages with their EC number, CAS number and molecular formula
- GHS pictograms. GHS hazard pictograms available in 22 languages with their image.
- Biocides. Biocides-related terms and their definitions extracted from the Biocidal Products Regulation.
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